Aspirating Smoke Detection
Best Defense Offers Aspirating Smoke Detectors
Xtralis Very Early Warning Smoke Detection
Aspirating smoke detectors can typically detect smoke before it is visible to the naked eye, offering very early warning and verification of and response to fires. They are ideal for data rooms, data centers, pharmaceutical, military, munitions storage, museums records storage, and other rooms storing high value items.
Aspirating smoke detectors offer fantastic features such as elimination of nuisance alarms as well as the ability to pinpoint a fire’s location which reduces response time, minimizes loss, and facilitates timely and orderly evacuation. These systems even offer up to 80% greater coverage in high-ceiling applications and up to 40% greater coverage in high-airflow applications.
What a sprinkler discharge is out of the question, contact Best Defense for assistance in designing an aspirating smoke detection system which meets your needs.
Contact us today for more information and a free estimate at or 800-237-8389.