Wireless Monitoring
For more than 20 years Best Defense Fire Protection has been at the forefront of fire alarms systems and installation in Wisconsin
International Building Code requirements require new fire alarm systems to be monitored by a remote supervising station. Traditionally this has been accomplished through the use of two telephone lines, which can be very expensive. Not only can two phone lines cost upwards of $100 per month, many businesses no longer have the traditional copper POTS telephone lines required for a fire alarm system.
Several modern solutions exist to save our customers the cost of traditional phone lines, while also providing you with a more robust method of redundant communication for your fire alarm. Best Defense offers AES-Intellinet radio monitoring to our customers throughout much of Wisconsin as well as cellular alarm communicators in areas where AES Coverage is not available.
Contact Best Defense at sales@bestdefense.com or at 800-237-8389 to discuss which option is best for you and how we can save you the cost of expensive fire alarm phone lines.
AES IntelliNet Radio Mesh Technology
Best Defense Provides and Monitors Emergency Elevator Phones
Most elevators in Wisconsin require some sort of elevator monitoring which Best Defense can provide at a reasonable price. We install emergency elevator phones or work with your elevator company to have your existing elevator phone connected to our monitoring station.
At our monitoring station, an emergency call from your elevator phone automatically displays your account information — even if the elevator occupant is unable to speak, we can identify the location and contact the authorities.
We can also provide different VOIP or line-sharing options to help with monthly elevator phone bills. Cellevator provides a cost-effective solution for providing ASME 17 compliant voice communications to your elevator and emergency phones without the cost of expensive traditional phone lines. Cellevator delivers voice quality communications using dependable GSM technology which can be more dependable in an emergency that vulnerable, traditional lines.
Contact Best Defense at sales@bestdefense.com or at 800-237-8389 to find out how we assist you with all your rescue assistance needs.