2013 Wisconsin Act 270 establishes a uniform commercial building code in Wisconsin, while allowing municipalities to grandfather fire detection, prevention, and suppression ordinances that relate to the construction, alteration, or addition to a public building or building that is a place of employment.
Grandfathered Ordinances for Menomonee Falls
Sec. 46-57. – Commercial and institutional kitchens.
(a) All commercial and institutional kitchens shall have a UL approved hood and duct extinguishment system that conforms to the requirements of NFPA 96 as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. The system shall also be provided with an automatic fuel cutoff.
(c) All extinguishing systems shall be inspected and maintained at least semi-annually by a factory authorized representative and the unit shall have a certification tag of the inspection attached to the extinguishing agent system or discharge canister.
Sec. 46-98. – Where installed.
(a)Every building constructed or structurally altered shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system installed and maintained when occupied, in whole or in part, for the following purposes:
(3)Educational group E. An approved sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained throughout all educational occupancies.
(5)High hazard group H. An approved sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained throughout all group H occupancies.
(6)Institutional group I and residential group R-4. An approved sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained throughout all Group I and Group R-4 Occupancies.
(8) Utility and miscellaneous group U. Group U covers all building and structures not covered in any other occupancy classification. Sprinkler system requirements for group U buildings and structures chapter will be reviewed by the fire chief on a case by case basis.
Sec. 46-100. – Fire department hose connections.
Every automatic sprinkler system installed in new or existing buildings shall be equipped with at least one five-inch Stortz fire department hose connection within 300 feet by means of drivable hard surface access to a hydrant at a location approved by the chief of the fire department. The supply piping for the system shall not be less than four-inch diameter.
Sec. 46-101. – Installation.
(a) Approved automatic fire sprinkler equipment shall be installed in accordance with one or more of the following NFPA standards as the chief of the fire department may determine are applicable:
(1) NFPA #13, “Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.”
(2) NFPA #13D, “Sprinkler Systems – One and Two-Family Dwellings.”
(3) NFPA #13R, “Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height.”
(4) NFPA #231, “General Storage.”
(5) Such other NFPA standards as the chief of the fire department may determine are applicable.
(b) No automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed or altered in a building until plans have been submitted to and approved by the chief of the bureau of fire prevention. Three copies of the plans and specifications shall be submitted for review. Approved plans shall be stamped, “Approved bureau of fire prevention,” together with the date of such approval.
(c) An outdoor rated horn/strobe notifier with an excess of 100-candle power shall be installed in lieu of the required bell. The normal placement is above the fire department connection, but shall be approved by the chief of the fire department.
(d) All Sprinkler systems shall be monitored for water flow by a central or remote station per current NFPA 72.
(e) Underground water mains, hydrants and valves shall conform to current specifications of the village.
(f) The water utility will require such tests as may be required by the National Fire Protection Association’s standards. Such tests shall be conducted under the supervision of a utility representative who shall certify acceptance or rejection of the system.
(g) Final approval, acceptance test—Automatic sprinkler system.
(1) The sprinkler system shall have a hydrostatic test performed in the presence of a fire department inspector.
(2) The sprinkler system shall be tested by flows of the main drain and inspector’s test. The installer in the presence of a fire department inspector shall conduct the acceptance test.
(3) The installer shall provide minimum three working days advanced notice to the fire department prior to performance of final acceptance test.
(4) Any work or testing performed on sprinklers and underground supply shall be done by a dully licensed individual.
(h) Maintenance. The owner or occupant of a building or structure containing any automatic sprinkler system shall maintain that system in an operative condition at all times which includes periods where the building may not be occupied. The occupant of the building shall notify the fire chief immediately in case the sprinkler protection is rendered out of service for any reason. All sprinkler systems shall be tested to meet the requirement of NFPA 25. A person(s) or company holding a testers credential issued by the State of Wisconsin shall perform the tests.
Sec. 46-102. – Interim installations.
(a) Unless or until such time as a municipal water supply is available to serve a building in which installation of an automatic sprinkler is required, connection of the system to a water supply shall not be required; however, all design characteristics of systems installed under this division shall include provisions for eventual connection to a municipal water supply. In addition, such interim installations shall also include:
(1) At least one five-inch Stortz fire department connections attached to a header of adequate size in accordance with fire protection engineering standards, but not less than four inches to supply the system.
(2) An automatic fire detection and alarm system of a type approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
(b) All fire sprinkler systems installed under the requirements of this division shall be connected to a municipal water system within six months after water mains to serve the building are available for use.
Sec. 46-106. – Fire alarms.
(a) General. Fire alarms systems shall mean any device designed to sense or alert persons to the possible presence of fire. A fire alarm system may include but is not limited to, smoke alarms, heat alarms, pull boxes, horns, and strobes and alarm panel. All fire alarm systems shall be installed per NFPA 72. All required alarm systems (required per NFPA 101 or the AHJ) shall be monitored by a UL listed monitoring company.
Sec. 46-130. – Public safety radio coverage in buildings and structures.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person or organization shall maintain, own, erect or construct any building or structure which is used for commercial, multifamily, or institutional use of any part thereof or cause the same to be done which fails to support adequate radio coverage to public safety service workers, including but not limited to firefighters and police officers.
(b) For purposes of this section, adequate radio coverage shall include all of the following:
(3) Minimum performance levels.
(i) Channel performance criterion (CPC). CPC is the minimum performance level in a faded channel, per TSB-88, clause 4.2. TSB-88 is a “Telecommunications Systems Bulletin” published by the Telecommunications Industry Association. The performance level is rated using “Delivered Audio Quality” (DAQ). Industry standard DAQ definitions are shown in Table 1.
(ii) DAQ level of 3 is the minimum performance level which shall be attainable by public safety radio systems in 95 percent of the area of each floor of a building subject to this division of article III of chapter 46
Table 1
Delivered Audio Quality Definitions
DAQ Subjective Performance Descriptions
1. Unusable, speech present but unreadable
2. Understandable with considerable effort. Frequent repetition due to noise/distortion.
3. Speech understandable with slight effort. Occasional repetition required due to noise/distortion.
3.5. Speech understandable with slight effort. Occasional repetition to noise/distortion.
4. Speech easily understood. Occasional noise/distortion.
4.5. Speech easily understood. Infrequent noise/distortion.
5. Speech easily understood.
Sec. 46-132. – Amplification systems allowed.
(a) Buildings and structures which cannot independently support the required level of radio coverage shall be equipped with one of the following in order to achieve the required adequate radio coverage: a radiating cable system or an internal multiple antenna system with or without FCC type-accepted signal booster amplifiers as needed. If any part of the installed system or systems contains an electrically powered component, the system shall be capable of operating on an independent battery and/or generator system for a period of at least 12 hours without external power input. Any battery system employed shall automatically recharge in the presence of an external power input.
(b) The installation of equipment as indicated above cannot be detrimental to the operation of the public safety radio system.
(c) If a signal booster is employed, it shall be fully encased within a dust resistant and water resistant case.