2013 Wisconsin Act 270 establishes a uniform commercial building code in Wisconsin, while allowing municipalities to grandfather fire detection, prevention, and suppression ordinances that relate to the construction, alteration, or addition to a public building or building that is a place of employment.
Grandfathered Ordinances for Shorewood
§ 290-1. State and national codes adopted.
A. All orders, rules and regulations of the Department of Commerce as are set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code and from time to time as amended are hereby adopted. The most current legislatively enacted versions will be enforced. This includes but is not limited to the Commercial Building Code, the Fire Prevention Code, the Electrical Code, and all Administrative Codes not listed. The Fire Prevention Code (NFPA 1), the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and all the referenced standards are incorporated herein by reference and adopted as part of this Fire Code. The most current available printed version of all NFPA codes and standards will be enforced. The International Building Code and all associated documents are adopted by reference in their most current printed version.
§ 290-2. Conflicting provisions.
In cases of conflict between local, state and national code provisions, the most restrictive provisions shall govern.
§ 290-10. Automatic-sprinkler systems.
D. Where required. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained per the requirements of the Life Safety Code, NFPA 101. Where conflicts arise between this section and any other code section, the most restrictive requirements shall apply. Nothing in this section shall apply to one- and two-family dwellings.
(1) Special structures and high-rise buildings.
(a) Open structures (occasional occupants): provide automatic, manual or other protection or other protection that is appropriate for the hazard.
(b) Towers (occasional occupants): provide automatic, manual or other protection or other protection that is appropriate for the hazard.(c) Water-surrounded structures (occasional occupants): provide automatic, manual or other protection or other protection that is appropriate for the hazard.
(d) Piers: protection dependent on use of pier.
(g) High-rise buildings: protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system.
(h) Permanent membrane structures: portable fire extinguishers.
(i) Temporary membrane structures: portable fire extinguishers.
(5) Health care.
(a) Buildings containing health care occupancies: throughout.
(7) Lodging or rooming house: throughout.
(8) Hotels and dormitories: throughout.
(10) Residential board and care occupancies: throughout.
(12) Business occupancies: check occupancy chapter.
(13) Industrial occupancies.
(c) High hazard: throughout.
(15) Hazardous properties or special concerns: throughout every building which by reason of its construction or the highly combustible nature of its occupancy involves a severe hazard to the life of its occupants or, in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction, constitutes a fire hazard which by its very nature may more directly affect adjoining properties.
E. How installed. All required fire-extinguishing and fire alarm systems shall be installed in accordance with current editions of the National Fire Protection Association, hereinafter referred to as “‘NFPA;” Fire Protection Code or Codes or other standards which substantially meet or exceed NFPA standards as approved by the Fire Chief.
§ 290-11. Fire extinguisher systems.
B. Where required.
(1) A Hood and duct system shall be Installed In any restaurant, and over all other equipment used for frying, cooking and similar preparation of food in all establishments, and shall be equipped with or have immediately available an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system designed for manual and automatic operation, or with a system approved by the Fire Department which will safeguard the premises, occupants and frequenters thereof.
(2) All establishments affected by the requirements of Subsection B(1) hereof shall comply with the requirements of this subsection. All new installations shall comply before the Building Inspector shall grant a certificate of occupancy.
C. Installation requirements.
(1) All equipment shall conform to the appropriate NFPA Standard. The equipment shall be either a package unit as listed in the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., fire protection equipment list for the extinguishment of fires in hoods, filters, and ducts used for ventilation of restaurant cooking equipment or a system individually designed (“engineered systems”‘) to the applicable NFPA standard for the type of extinguishing equipment. A manual actuation control, which is accessible to kitchen personnel, shall be provided. The control shall be located near the hood not more than five feet above the floor, readily accessible and not obstructed by cabinets or any other objects, permanent or temporary, that would affect a person’s ability to see the device. Instructions on operation of the manual control system shall be posted. A visual Indicating device shall be provided and so located that at any time it can readily be determined if the system’s extinguishing agent has discharged. An automatic fuel shutoff device shall be provided on all gas-fired appliances.
(3) Cooking surfaces that are open or partly open shall be protected, including range tops, fat fryers, open broilers, griddles, etc. Fully enclosed devices, such as ovens, enclosed broilers, coffee urns, etc., may require protection check listing. At least one nozzle shall be installed for each fat fryer. Cylinders containing the extinguishing agent shall not be mounted in a concealed space. Cylinders shall be readily accessible for inspection and servicing.
(4) Protection of ducts shall be within the limitations of a single system; multiple systems cannot be used. Ducts which exceed the limitation of a single system must be protected by engineered systems or the ducts replaced with ducts which are within package system limitations. Where no hoods are installed and cooking protection is provided, detector links with heat deflectors shall be located in the same relative position as If a hood were provided. One link shall be provided for each cooking appliance.
§ 290-12. Preconstruction and postconstruction requirements.
D. Firestopping.
(1) Concealed spaces. In the construction of new buildings or structures involving structural or substantial alterations amounting to more than 50% of the assessed valuation of the building or structure, any concealed space In which materials having a flame-spread rating greater than Class A are exposed shall be effectively fire-stopped as hereinafter provided with materials approved by the Fire Department
(a) Every Interior and exterior wall and partition shall be fire-stopped at each floor level, at the top story ceiling level and at the level of support for roofs.
(b) Every unoccupied attic space shall be subdivided by fire stops into areas not to exceed 3,000 square feet.
(c) Any concealed space between the ceiling and the floor or the roof above shall be fire-stopped for the full length of the space along the line of support for the floor or roof structural members and, if necessary, to be determined by the Fire Department, at other locations, to form areas not to exceed 1,000 square feet for any space between the ceiling and the floor and 3,000 square feet for any space between the ceiling and the roof.
§ 225-6. General requirements.
A. Connection to water system. All buildings or parts thereof to be used for residential or commercial purposes must be fully equipped with all necessary plumbing and piping for water and sewer service, and the same shall be connected adequately with the Village water and sewer systems as required by applicable Village code and state regulations.