


2013 Wisconsin Act 270 establishes a uniform commercial building code in Wisconsin, while allowing municipalities to grandfather fire detection, prevention, and suppression ordinances that relate to the construction, alteration, or addition to a public building or building that is a place of employment.

Grandfathered Ordinances for Wauwatosa


14.20.030 – Installation required.

Approved automatic fire sprinkler equipment shall be installed and maintained as follows:

B. Garages.

4. Garages used as passenger terminals.

G. Hospitals.

1. Fire-resistive buildings:

a. Throughout all buildings;

2. Non-fire-resistive buildings:

a. Throughout all buildings.

H. Nursing, Convalescent, Institutional and Penal Occupancies.

1. Throughout all buildings.

I. Schools, Colleges and Universities.

1. Throughout all buildings.

K. Hazardous Properties.

1. Throughout every building which by reason of its construction or highly combustible occupancy involves a severe life hazard to its occupants or adjoining property or in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction, constitutes a fire menace;

2. Sample occupancies which are considered highly combustible:

a. Chemical works or storage,

b. Explosive or pyrotechnic manufacturing,

c. Linseed oil mills, storage or manufacturing,

d. Linoleum and oil cloth manufacturing,

e. Oil refineries or storage facilities,

f. Paint shops,

g. Pyroxylin plastic manufacturing or processing,

h. Shade cloth manufacturing,

i. Solvent extracting,

j. Varnish or paint manufacturing,

k. All occupancy involving processing, mixing, storage and/or dispensing volatile liquids and/or toxic gases.

L. Other Properties.

1. All subbasements, required throughout;


14.22.020 – Application.

A change to a more hazardous use of an existing building or structure by present or future occupants will cause the building or structure to comply with the requirements of this chapter.

14.22.040 – Installation required.

Approved fire protection systems shall be installed as follows:

A. Flammable and combustible liquids:

1. Fire areas in buildings or portions of a building in which the storage, use and/or sale of flammable and combustible liquids is caused to exist in excess of ten gallons and does not exceed in quantity two hundred forty gallons, shall be protected by an approved automatic smoke- detection system. Same when alarmed shall cause audible alarms to sound throughout the building. Heat detectors may be substituted in areas of false alarm potential.

2. Fire areas in buildings or portions thereof used for the storage and sale of flammable and combustible liquids in excess of two hundred forty gallons shall be protected by an approved automatic suppression system.

B. Combustible materials:

1. Fire areas in buildings or portions of buildings in which the storage, sale, manufacturing or use of combustible solids is caused to exist with an increase in fire load of twenty-five percent shall be protected by an approved smoke-detection system. Same when alarmed shall cause audible alarms to sound throughout the building. Heat detectors may be substituted in areas of false alarm potential.

2. Fire areas in buildings or portions of buildings in which the storage, sale, manufacturing or use of combustible solids is caused to exist with an increase in fire load of fifty percent shall be protected by an approved suppression system. Same when alarm shall cause audible alarms to sound throughout the building. Heat detectors may be substituted in areas of false alarm potential.

C. Flammable gases:

1. Fire areas of buildings or portions of buildings in which flammable gases are caused to exist and are sold shall be protected by an approved automatic detection system. Same when alarmed shall cause audible alarms to sound throughout the building. Heat detectors may be substituted in areas of false alarm potential.

2. Fire areas of buildings or portions of buildings in which there is caused to exist flammable gases for storage or use shall be protected by an approved automatic suppression system.

D. Hazardous material:

1. Fire areas of buildings or portions of buildings in which there is caused to exist hazardous materials as listed in the Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation, published by the Bureau of Explosives, Association of American Railroads shall be protected by an approved automatic suppression system and/or detection systems as may be approved by the fire prevention bureau.